- Robinson Jo. Eating on The Wild Side. Little Brown and Company. 2013
- Lustig, Robert M.D. MSL. Metabolical. Harper wave. 2021
- Butler, David, & Mosley, Lorimar. EXPLAIN PAIN. Adelaide, Australia: Mosley publisher noigroup. 2003.
- Bredesen, Dale MD, The end of Alzheimer’s, Avery New York, 2017
- Bredesen,E Dale MD, 2019 “the First Survivors of Alzheimer’s how patients Recovered life and Hope in their own words.
- Bredesen,E Dale MD, “End The Alzheimer’s Program, the first Protocol to Enhance Cognition, and Reverse Decline at Any age.
Elsegood, Linda editor, 2016 ” The LDN Book” Celsa green Publishing.
- Esselstyn,Caldwell B. Jr. MD. Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. New York: Avery. 2007.
- Esselstyn, RIP Plant Strong
- Perlmutter,David MD, ALZHEIMER’S the science of prevention. 2019 copyright science of prevention.
- Frates,Beth MD. etal LIFESTYLE HANDBOOK an introduction to the power of healthy habits. healthy learning 2019.
- Vetter Paula,Cindy Edwards, and Laura Rossi. Mold Illness: Surviving & thriving : A Recovery Manuel for Patients and Families Impacted by CIRS. Jan. 2018
- Borges, Marco Green Print
- Sharlin,Ken.MD the Healthy Brain TOOLBOX. Bright night Publishers. 2018
- Campbell, T. Colin, PhD. & Campbell, Thomas M. The China Study Dallas,Texas: Benbella Books Inc. 2004.
- Campbell, Thomas, MD. The Campbell Plan. New York, Rodale.2015
- Centino,Chris MD Orthopedics 2.0 Download from the Regenexx site PDF or Amazon.com.
- Furman,Joel. MD Fast Food Genocide. Harpercollins 201
- Furman,Joel MD. Eat to Live : Quick and Easy Cook book
- Sabrina Fauda-Role, ONE-POT VEGETARIAN easy veggie meals in just one pot! Hardie Grant books.
- Esselstyn, Crile, Ann & Esselstyn, Jane. The Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook. New York: Penguin Group. 2014.
- Elsegood Linda, 2016 “the LDN Book” Chelsa green publishing.
- Hackett G.S. , Hemwall, G.A.,MD. & Montgomery,G.A. MD. Ligament and Tendon Relaxation Treated by Prolotherapy Oak Park, Ill. : Beulahland Press, 5th ed. 2002.
- Hyman,Mark, MD Food What the heck should I eat. Little Brown and Company 2018
- Petersen,James. SPLENDID SOUPS recipes and master techniques for making the worlds best soups. Bantam books 1993.
- Jancso, Gabor. editor. Vol.8 2009 Neurogenic Inflammation in Health and Disease London: Elsevier.
- Kaplan, Gary, DO. & Beach, Donna. Solving the Mystery of Chronic Pain and Depression:Total Recovery. New York: Rodale. 2014.
- Leake,John, Peter A MCullough, MD, MPH 2022, “The Courage to Face Covid-19″
- McGruff, Doug, MD. & Little, John. Body by Science a research based program…for fitness. New York Chicago: McGraw Hill. 2009.
- Rouzier, Neal, MD. How to Achieve Healthy Aging, second edition. Salt Lake City, Utah: Worldlinkmedical Publisher. 2007.
- Shiple, Brian, DO. & Wind, Marlise, MS. Regenerative Healing for Life: a new paradigm to treat injuries and pain without surgery. Springfield, Pennsylvania: JocDoc Press. 2013.
- Srouf, Dell. Forks Over Knives the cookbook. New York: The Experiment Publishing. 2012.
- Shoemaker, Richie MD Surviving Mold 2010
- Shoemaker,Richie MD Desperation Medicine. Gateway Press INC. Baltimore,MD 2001
- K.P.Stoller MD, Incurable Us,Skyhorse publishing, 2024
- https://gamechangersmovie.com/food/recipes/
- Nathan,Neal MD. TOXIC heal your body from mold toxicity,lyme disease,Multiple chemical sensitivities, and Chronic environmental illness. Victory belt publishing Las Vegas 2018
- Walker, Mathew PhD. WHY WE SLEEP, unlocking the power of sleep and dreams. Scribner NY NY 2017
- Bredesen,E Dale MD, 2019 “the First Survivors of Alzheimer’s how patients Recovered life and Hope in their own words.
Excellent Websites
Resources for information ,research, and general regenerative injection information
- American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM)
- Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM)
- www.Prolotherapyeducation.com
- www.prolotherapycollege.org
- www.AAOMED.org
- www.regenexx.com
- hhpfprolo@gmail.com
- www.lyftogtmed.com/what-is-lyftogt-perineural-injection-treatment
- www.Proloaustin.com
- www.TrinitySportsMedicine.com
- www.drReeves.com
- www.DrShiple.com
- www.ecornell.com/certificates/plant-based-nutrition
- www.worldlinkmedical.com
- Survivingmold.com
Research Summary and Publications
- See www.drreeves.com and Dr Shiple’s book. I also recommend the Hackett-Hemwell foundation web site.
Video and DVD’s
- YouTube Reversing Alzheimer’s Disease Dr Dale Bredesen.
- Update on Biocellula PowerPoint Presentation on bio cellular therapy by Robert Alexander MD.
- “Forks over knives” C. Esstelstyn MD and T. Collin Campbell PhD. DVD
- Reversing diabetes with food Choices
- CIRS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNXwM7U4uNI
- The Game Changers…… a netflix documentary. EXCELLENT MUST SEE!
- ALZHEIMER’S the science of prevention. Dr David Perlmutter,MD
Sites for Training
- American College of Lifestyle Medicine
- Institute of Functional Medicine
- Perineural injection therapy courses: lyftogt.com
- Learning regenerative injection therapy and prolotherapy: www.hacketthemwallpatterson.org yearly lectures and research symposium at the University of Wisconsin, Madison .
- Hands on prolotherapy training in Mexico, Honduras, Italy and the Philippines.
- Training sponsored by the American Association of Orthopedic Medicine (AAOM) AAOMED.org and
- American Osteopathic Association of Prolotherapy Regenerative Medicine www.prolotherapycollege.org
- Dr. Thomas Raven, M.D. courses offering training in prolotherapy from basic to advanced. www.prolotherapyeducation.com
- www.worldlinkmedical.com offers courses in Bioidentical hormone replacement. four excellent courses, I, II, III , and IV taught by Dr. Neal Rouzier, MD. Highly recommended
- Survivingmold.com
A Primer of MESENCHYMAL (MSC) Cell Function and Applications
- The Science of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine – Arnold Caplan PhD (Part 1)
- The Science of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine – Arnold Caplan PhD (Part 2)
- The Science of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine – Arnold Caplan PhD (Part 3)
- The Science of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine – Arnold Caplan PhD (Part 4)
- The Science of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine – Arnold Caplan PhD (Part 5)
- The Science of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine – Arnold Caplan PhD (Part 6)
- The Science of Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine – Arnold Caplan PhD (Part 7)